About Barbara Randell


FIG is dedicated to the art of developing authentic, meaningful business relationships that lead to success, both professionally and personally. It is passion project of founder and president (Barbara) Randell. 

In the 15 years Randell worked as a legal “headhunter,” she noticed a dramatic and alarming trend: people seemed to be losing the ability and skill to pursue, develop, and maintain interpersonal business relationships. Wanting to investigate further, she discovered that researchers at institutions such as M.I.T., Harvard, and the University of Michigan, among others, had independently arrived at similar conclusions.

As a lifelong student of psychology and sociology, Randell knows the importance of personal relationships is irrefutable. She has proven, though her own recruiting business, that having actual face-to-face relationships with her clients is not only fulfilling, but distinctly profitable.

A contrarian by nature, Randell watches what everyone else is doing, and then does it differently. Through FIG, Randell has found a way to help others do it differently, too. She has developed a comprehensive curriculum that breaks down the mechanisms in the craft of developing relationships that allows her clients to truly separate themselves from their roughly 80 million counterparts in the millennial generation. 

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you‘ve always gotten.” This quote gets attributed to Henry Ford, Mark Twain, and educator Jessie Potter. Regardless of who said it, the truth of it is indisputable: If you wish to separate yourself, you must do something differently.